Abandoned Parchment Papermill April 2024 – The Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Company – KVP

This gallery contains pics of DOD’s second time to this site! On the first visit to this site I was alone, and that will have its own post in the next few months, STAY TUNED! Both of these posts will be some of our largest posts to date. We just couldn’t stop taking pictures or … Read more

Huge Decaying Religious & Educational Campus in the Midwest (pics from a few more recent visits) *** The Bird Incident***

TL;DR – History is fun and the caring people who lived and worked here strove towards benefiting the lives of countless individuals! This entire complex has such a rich and layered history. Since it’s inception, this place has been helping to better the lives of all individuals with disabilities, learning or otherwise. At a time … Read more

Active Demolition at Filer and Stowell’s Milwaukee Headquarters. Winter ’24

On a wintery morning in early ’24, we just happened to drive by a site that was on our list. While this site had been on our list for some time, we had completely overlooked it. Now under active demolition, this massive part of Wisconsin’s industrial history lay before us. This site was larger than … Read more

“Audio Farmhouse” Dec. 2023

I’ve officially given up on trying to release our explores in chronological order. They will come out in whatever order makes us happy! All that being said, we are sorry if you get a little overlap from this new release plan. Since we have been, and will continue to road trip a bit more this … Read more

A Quick Recon Turns Into An Unplanned Explore! Aug. ’23 S.G. Courteen Seed Warehouse

This morning started out like most of our summer mornings. We loaded up our gear and headed out to parts mostly forgotten! By the time we reached this site, we had been “at it” for a few hours already, and we were both pretty exhausted from trudging around on uneven footings and overgrown landscapes. We … Read more

August ’23 Wauwatosa’s Sanctuary Woods & Schlitz Brewery Ice Tunnel

This August day was forecast to be a hot one! Trying to beat the heat, we hooked up early, grabbed our gear, and headed out to a local site with a ton of history! While looking for quick hit-and-run sites to fill our mornings, I came across Sanctuary Woods in Wauwatosa and the old Schlitz … Read more

Local Street Art Gallery : Summer 2023

This explore was again on one of our many stop mornings! We had already roamed through a few planned sites, as well as a couple unplanned places we found on our drive. Personally I hadn’t done any research on our next destination, yet my UE partner hammered in the GPS coordinates and we headed off. … Read more

Laps around the local area 7.29-30.23

Last summer we made a conscious effort to start hitting multiple sites each time we went out on an explore. While this can be a bit of extra work before the explore, it really does maximize your daylight and time on each site! There were many mornings we planned to hit 6 or more spots! … Read more

Northwoods WI 7.15.23 Water access only!

Northwoods : Lincoln County WI. These two sites were frozen in place and time respectively! While up north this past summer, I had a local friend recommend these sites to me. Each one was only accessible through a water route. Hopes were high, but I didn’t expect to find what we did. After we loaded … Read more

Local Hit & Run 6.18.23 Multi use Building in West Allis WI

This morning had a pile of starts and stops. We met up somewhat early and decided to head down to the YMCA in Racine! As soon as we made our way to the entry point, a Sheriff parked just past the trees in the first 2 pics. Once we realized it would be an extra … Read more
