This gallery contains pics of DOD’s second time to this site! On the first visit to this site I was alone, and that will have its own post in the next few months, STAY TUNED! Both of these posts will be some of our largest posts to date. We just couldn’t stop taking pictures or documenting our travels, so we hope you enjoy.
A few months back, We here at DOD-USA took a road trip to help a friend move. Once we knew where we would be staying we decided to plan a few explores along the way. We had a pile of fun stops on our way there, as well as on our way back home.
In 1909 The Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Company was founded in Kalamazoo Michigan. Shortly after, it started selling plots of land around the mill to workers. By 1939 Parchment became a city, and since then it has been know as The Paper City. Throughout its years the KVP company had been bought and sold many times. Even with many name and ownership changes, The Parchment paper company produced paper all the way up until 2000.
Since it stopped production this massive site has sat vacant. During that time it has had all the regular visitors : the homeless, the artists, the scrappers, and the explorers! Sadly the city was awarded a grant to continue the demolition, and this site should be gone soon. I had all the time in the world when I first visited, but things at this site were changing. This was my 2nd, and our last time here, yet we had to cut it short. There were now security forces not only outside the fence, but rolling around the interior of the site as well.
We planned to spend many hours here that morning, yet we only had about 90 minutes to explore. Our last 20 minutes or so on site was spent playing cat and mouse with security. We knew what direction we needed to head, but the entryways in and out of the building were not cooperating. After doubling back on our path a few times and finding the correct “floor”, we were finally on the correct side of the building and at the right elevation. This site had a few “half” floors and while being tense from security, those floors were ruining my sense of direction.
Once clear of the building, we saw security in the distance and made our hurried way off-site and back to the vehicle!
“Just keep moving and don’t look left at security” I say……
She promptly turns her head left and looks directly at security…. :~] We laughed and laughed…..
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Please enjoy! If you are bored, give our walk-thru a listen and send us an email!
My UE Partner’s pics are below! I think she really captured the vastness of these old open industrial spaces.
As always, again, thank you all for playing along! It really does mean a ton to us! Like, comment, share, subscribe, and all other interactions are welcome and encouraged! You could even tell us about a spot you want us to check out, or just send us an email for the hell of it! Email US