Northridge Mall 12.31.21

So after one visit to the mall of my youth, I had to return with my partner in photos! We had plans to hangout NYE, but decided to go out and explore early.ish on NYE morning!

The pics that follow are of varying photography skill, quality, and post processing.. You can and will tell, I haven’t done any post processing on my pics yet.. I still hope to get better and do a lil post processing on my pics at a later date.. (if so, I’ll share my favs.)

We had a bit over 2 hours here to just roam and learn! My partner in pics was trying (bless her soul and patience level) her best to teach me what she could.. Sometime it can be hard for my brain to retain anything without practical usage… more “classes” soon.. I need a fresh explore!!

Urban Exploration is one of the few things I truly enjoy still! If you have any questions or thoughts, plz reach out. We will be setting up a proper email soon…

I Hope you decide to play along!

Audio Walk thru should be up in a couple/few days

OK, now that you have witnessed the best pictures in this post, Let’s move on to beef’s 🙂

So Like I said, be gentle. I am still learning and slowly at that … What follows are most of my pics with my canon. As you can tell, what I lack in quality, I make up for in quantity!! Most of my pics ave very similar to my partner’s. You will notice them staged just left or right of her photos..

It was a learning day for me. Different setups, shutter speeds, apertures, etc.. (I barely understand these terms, I am just regurgitating them ). We had just over 2 or so hours to play around. No worries or people in/on site!

haunting, yet inviting
behind that wall is the last anchor store in operation.(Menards)
down the 2nd floor hallway on the left is the movies escalator
straight ahead, slightly right of center is the 1st floor entrance to the movies. with the movie poster displays 😉 more on those later
i spent piles of my youth in these theaters.
so empty
as much as i hate graffiti, I do find some of it really cool
piled extinguishers
this shot is sofaking cool.. and not staged
this has become so so much more
Vicky doesnt have too many secrets anymore
sad sad food court
sad sad food court
hey, us, kinda
hahah partner
theaters of my youth
many afternoons taking that escalator down
hey look my refection
i was in love with the sagging security wall
this moped moved around the site each time we were there.. kids must just coast it around
they climbed up there to change the clock to 4:20 haha
they climbed up there to change the clock to 4:20 haha
resourceful lil meowmeows…
cleaner pic of the blunt wrap organizer
pit in the ground to get to plumbing for the fountains..
wasnt open the last time i visited
i see you
used what they could(from the old foot locker backroom). to change the clock to 420
storeroom for footlocker.. creepy as hell. the way the racking played with the shadows :/
420 kids stole a ladder from this racking
another candid shot.. she sneakily shoots the best of “these”
The thing was made for me by my homie! Part of the pretentious fake movie!! love it
hung there on 12.31.21
hung there on 12.31.21
love it
2.12.22 and no dicks drawn on it yet! shocking really
2.12.22 and no dicks drawn on it yet!.. shocking really
this is the hole in the old anchor store, that i entered on my 1st day here… inviting and terrifying

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