Northridge Mall 12.18.21

So on a random Friday morning in Dec 2021 I saw parts of an industrial building being ripped down. Since we recently had such luck with Motor Castings, I figured stick to industrial. Saturday morning came and I ventured out with my UE bag all set to go. When I got to my intended destination I couldn’t find an entry point.. I was not goin to let this day be a bust…

So I headed to the only place that quickly came to mind. Northridge mall is about 24 miles north of were I was. I knew it had been closed for 18ish years and it had a reputation for being relatively accessible.. Once I arrived on site I did a few laps to scope out the area! Only 1 anchor store still remains open.(Menards) Being the middle of Dec and post bloody mary, I had to urinate. A quick stroll thru Menards while doing a lil more parking lot recon to relieve myself and I was all better.

What follows are all the quick pics I took that day. The audio walk-thru will have a bunch more info and a couple really fun/scary stories about the pics.. If you have any questions, just ask! Ill gladly respond, but it would be very wordy for me to type out a “beef’s stream of consciousness” post! 🙂

I hope you decide to play along!!!!!

couldn’t find a damn way in
couldnt find a damn way in
the early morning explore that was a bust.. Lead me to go to Northridge!!!!
the wide open food court entrance
spent many a weekend hours here as a pre-teen and teen
spent many a weekend hours here as a pre-teen and teen
walled of restaurants
sofaking creepy
sofaking creepy
sofaking creepy
pretty sure these were pantyhose racks…
Kids/people piling or organizing fire extinguishers is a real thing apparently
Kids/people piling or organizing fire extinguishers is a real thing apparently
Kids/people piling or organizing fire extinguishers is a real thing apparently
Kids/people piling or organizing fire extinguishers is a real thing apparently
used to be an Everything’s a Dollar
used to be an Everything’s a Dollar
oh the PINK of a Vicky’s Secret
oh the PINK of a Vicky’s Secret
oh the PINK of a Vicky’s Secret
oh the PINK of a Vicky’s Secret
oh the PINK of a Vicky’s Secret
somehow someone climbed up there to set the clocl to 4:20
it’s all in there
fuckin moped
Enter thru that far hole in the anchor store’s wall, it’s safe and not creepy… I promise
very fallout
very fallout
greatest hangout/ clubhouse ever
yes that is a planter flipped upside down for a table
I feel like I would’ve fit in with these kids
those are color and brand sorted used blunt wrap wrappers
dad n I got fitted for tuxes here.. maybe
the walled off entrance to the only remaining active store Menards(home depot/lowes ish but local)
yup moldy consessions
thanks for warning a fool
well shit
yup that is
holy fuckin heart stopper
shakey and creeky, alone = freaky
old projector holes
that may or may not be my puddle under his feet
Dad and I got fitted for our tuxes here for his 2nd wedding… if memory serves…
still some closed drawers/cabinets in here
busted display
stripped down escalator in the 1st anchor store to close
old Footlocker
moldy Walgreens
Could still slightly smell the bath n body works fragrances
All of these display cases were smashed open
All of these display cases were smashed open
I really thought that was a trap… (electrified maybe(too many movies))
Kids/people piling or organizing fire extinguishers is a real thing apparently
Yonkers elevator with inches on standing water
Old moldy Yonker sub/basement
Kids/people piling or organizing fire extinguishers is a real thing apparently

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