Motor Castings Part 4 .. 12.12.21

So this would be our last time to Motor Casting for months, but clearly a change had started! We were greeted with many things being different. Areas were taped off with caution tape, asbestos doorway passthroughs in place, and clear signs of human interaction that hadn’t been here in the past weeks!

This place was great and welcoming at this point in time. The site felt like our playground. I didn’t think anyone could or would take it away.

Then we saw signs of change and soon to be demolition everywhere! No good thing can last forever…

Walk thru audio, will be added in the next few days or so!!!>>>>>

from samsung to my canon.. still learning this beast

from the canon to the Nikon, and someone that knows how to use it!

shit, hopefully we didn’t breathe too much
shit, hopefully we didnt breathe too much
shit, hopefully we didnt breathe too much
glowing slow death
I had never notice this room before. off the main loading dock.. fell very, fire starter, human torce inside
I had never notice this room before. off the main loading dock.. fell very, fire starter, human torce inside
something strange is afoot
at the circle tape
still learning this beast
cat room

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